Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

10 Ergebnisse.

Un anno a Fleurville. Ricette dai balconi, dai tetti e da...

Sala, Felicita
Un anno a Fleurville. Ricette dai balconi, dai tetti e dai giardini. Ediz. a colori

A Fleurville frutta e verdura si coltivano ovunque: su balconi e terrazze, nelle vie e nelle piazze, sui tetti, nei giardini. Perché tutti sanno che oltre a essere divertenti da curare e buone da mangiare, sono piante meravigliose da guardare. E nelle cucine di ogni casa si trasformano i prodotti dell'orto in piatti deliziosi. Prova a farlo anche tu, grazie alle dodici ricette che trovi qui, dolci e salate, preparate soltanto con fru...

CHF 28.00

If You Run Out of Words

Sala, Felicita
If You Run Out of Words
In this imaginative bedtime adventure from award-winning artist Felicita Sala, a father reassures his daughter of the fantastical lengths he'd go to in order to show his love

CHF 24.90

Lunch at 10 Pomegranate Street

Sala, Felicita
Lunch at 10 Pomegranate Street
Something smells good at 10 Pomegranate Street! Delicious, actually!In each apartment, someone is preparing a special dish to share with their neighbours. Mr Singh is making coconut dahl with his daughter while Maria mashes some avocados for her guacamole. Will everything be ready on time?Written and magnificently illustrated by Felicita Sala, this glorious celebration of community is filled with recipes from all over the world and simple inst...

CHF 16.50

Heute pflanz ich, morgen koch ich …

Sala, Felicita / Sala, Felicita / Löwenberg, Ute
Heute pflanz ich, morgen koch ich …
Ein Fest für Gärtner, Köche und die GemeinschaftVon Spargel und Erbsen im Frühling und Kirschen im Sommer, Paprika, Birnen und Kürbissen im Herbst und Kartoffeln und Zitrusfrüchten im Winter: Das ganze Jahr über wird in Blumenstadt gegärtnert. Auf Fensterbrettern, Balkonen, Dachterrassen oder Gärten werden die saisonalen Obst- und Gemüsesorten angepflanzt, gepflegt, geerntet und zu leckeren Gerichten verarbeitet.Die Rezepte - herzhafte und süß...

CHF 19.90

A Year in Fleurville

Sala, Felicita / Sala, Felicita
A Year in Fleurville
From Felicita Sala comes this exquisite sequel to the bestselling Lunch at 10 Pomegranate Street. In each garden, someone is tending to their produce. Maria is picking asparagus, Ramon‿s mum is watering the cucumbers, and a gaggle of kids are eating cherries fresh from the tree and even wearing some as earrings!Meet the many people of Fleurville, delight in their harvests, learn their recipes, and find comfort in the cycle of the seasons. A Ye...

CHF 22.90

Grüner Reis und Blaubeerbrot

Sala, Felicita / Sala, Felicita / Löwenberg, Ute
Grüner Reis und Blaubeerbrot
Ein wunderschön illustriertes Rezeptbuch für Kinder (oder für wirklich jeden) ... Einfach süß." - Yotam OttolenghiDieses wunderbar illustrierte Kochbuch für Kinder bietet eine globale Speisekarte mit Gerichten, die man mit Freunden, Familie und Nachbarn teilen kann. Es duftet in der Gartenstraße! Im Haus Nummer 10 mischt Pilar Gazpacho, Herr Ping brät Brokkoli, Señora Flores bereitet einen Topf mit Bohnen vor und Josef und Rafik rollen Fleisch...

CHF 19.90

She Made a Monster

Sala, Felicita / Fulton, Lynn
She Made a Monster
On the bicentennial of the publication of "Frankenstein, " this picture book invites readers to join Mary Shelley on the night she created a most frightening monster, and offers insight into the tale behind one of the world's most celebrated novels. Full color.

CHF 28.50

Perché mio nonno ha i capelli bianchi

Sala, Felicita / Scarpa, Mauro
Perché mio nonno ha i capelli bianchi
Perché hai i capelli bianchi?" Che domande fanno sempre i bambini! A volte per trovare la risposta giusta occorre usare un po'di fantasia! Così una domanda difficile diventa una storia, piena di colori e profumo, ma soprattutto di bianco, di neve e di farina. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.

CHF 29.50